Studia Aurea Monográfica
10 Titles
Studia Aurea Monográfica, co-published by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Universitat de Girona, is a collection sponsored by Studia Aurea. Revista de Literatura Española y Teoría Literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro.
Studia Aurea was founded in 2007 with the aim of offering an instrument of scientific exchange and collaboration to researchers, and to promote a supradisciplinary approach to literary studies.
Since 2010, Studia Aurea Monografica, directed by Eugenia Fosalba and María José Vega, has been publishing volumes dedicated to analysing, from different critical perspectives, the key issues and problems of the most recent research on alt-modern literature.
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Volumen 6
Las relaciones de sucesos en los cambios políticos y sociales de la Europa Moderna
M09 13, 2015