12 Literatures

The aim of this collection is to cultivate the study of the twelve languages currently being studied at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the UAB through its literary flank, with translation and interculturality as key aspects. In this way, the Faculty vindicates its capacity to develop literary studies in a center that does not offer conventional philological degrees.

The maneuver may seem surprising, but it is a logical one: the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting is interested in all the literatures of the languages studied, and in fact there is a battery of specific literature subjects, both in European and Asian languages.

In short, this is our will: to offer students not only the competent teaching of these twelve languages, but also the vital and cultural knowledge that follows because, indeed, as Emil Cioran said, "naked locuiești într-o țară, locuiești într-o limbă", i.e. "not alive in a country, alive in a language". And, fortunately, at the UAB Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, we not only live in many languages, but we translate them.

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