El Postgrau

1 Titles

The first postgraduate degree in linguistic correction was the one at the Autónoma: the first and the only one with uninterrupted teaching. The coordinators of the Postgraduate Degree in Proofreading and Linguistic Quality (2000-2014) were Albert Branchadell, David Paloma and Joan Vilarnau. Later, the Postgraduate Degree in Linguistic Advice in Audiovisual Media (2005-2014) was added and, later, as an heir, the Postgraduate Degree in Proofreading and Linguistic Advice, which was face-to-face until the pandemic (2014-2020) and online from the use of masks -or masks, because only in this postgraduate degree specific training for professional practice is offered-. The Postgraduate of the Autonomous is, therefore, the Postgraduate: one of the longest-lived of the entire Catalan university scene.

The Postgraduate now launches a collection of diverse and quite interesting texts for professionals in the field of proofreading and linguistic consultancy. The door is open to professors and former professors -and, naturally, professors and former professors-, students and former students, tutors, guests, friends and, in the end, professionals in the field of proofreading and linguistic consultancy. The title of the collection, in view of its trajectory, leaves no doubt: "The Postgraduate". Long life!

Further information

Online ISSN 2938-7078
Print ISSN 2938-706X

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El Postgrau, 1

Conferències del Postgrau de Correcció: 2022-2023

David Paloma, Mònica Montserrat
M10 6, 2023