Lengua china para traductores: Volumen II (7ª ed.)


Helena Casas-Tost
Sara Rovira-Esteva
Anne-Hélène Suárez Girard


The three authors of this handbook have studied and carried out research projects in Chinese and Taiwanese universities over the last three decades, which has given them a panoramic view of the linguistic and social reality of the two main Chinese-speaking areas. Their different backgrounds and interests have been combined with their extensive teaching experience to produce a handbook which is the result of a long process of reflection, debate and consensus, and which responds to a specific teaching project with well-defined objectives.

This Chinese textbook is the first in Spain to be produced by a university for Spanish speakers and the only one in the field of language for translators. This work stands out for its innovative approach, which places the student at the centre of the learning process and treats the language as a whole. The methodology followed reflects the dynamism and versatility of the Chinese language, since it starts from the keys and other elements that make up the characters, taking into account the productive capacity of combination between them, until reaching the textual analysis at a discursive level. In addition to being aimed at translation students, this handbook will undoubtedly be attractive and useful for anyone seeking to approach Chinese from a new perspective and learn it in a systematic and rigorous way.

This handbook is complemented by a website where you can find all the comprehension and speaking exercises, as well as complementary exercises and other useful information. Website: https://dtieao.uab.cat/xuezhongwen/.

Portada del llibre


M10 17, 2024

Online ISSN


Print ISSN


Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)