Memòries d'una vella boja


Blanca Corominas Perálvarez


An old woman walks under the watchful eye of those who, in one way or another, presume to have known her. The walk, which becomes a vital journey through the memories and images of her life, is a succession of voices that alternate and intertwine to give life to a character that from the beginning is condemned by those around her. Memoirs of a crazy old woman is a story about misunderstanding, about moral judgments that are often guided by feelings rather than by reason, and about the difficult life of a woman that, in a disorderly way, we are piecing together line after line, voice after voice.

This work has been the winner of the XII Short Narrative Prize for Young People "Caterina Albert", awarded in Cerdanyola del Vallès, on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, by a jury composed of: Nuria Esponellà, Albert Forns, Víctor García Tur, Josep Lluís Negreria and Xusa Serra.

Portada del llibre



M03 19, 2021

Online ISSN


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)