El mercado de trabajo en la era digital
In today's world, digital technologies have arrived to disrupt everything. In just three decades they have altered people's daily lives and have entered the art of the economic and productive system, imposing new ways of working and generating value. Today we are witnessing the momentous debate as to whether this revolution, capable of creating and destroying jobs, will eventually lead to a positive balance of employment, like those that preceded it, or whether, on the other hand, it will displace millions of workers.
Despite having condemned many professions to obsolescence, the digital economy has generated a powerful demand for skills associated with such recent and innovative technologies that there is still not enough supply to meet the needs. Likewise, it establishes the new skills that all workers in the digital era must have, both the more technical, or hard skills, and others associated with the personality and social dimension of the individual, the so-called soft skills.
The aim of this document is to analyse the impact of digitalisation on the labour market and, to this end, it approaches the issue from different perspectives, such as the change in the volume of employment, the emergence of new technological professions, the new professional skills required and the changes in the way of working.
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