Mercat de l'art, col·leccionisme i museus 2023


Bonaventura Bassegoda Hugas
Ignasi Domènech Vives


Since October 2012, scientific conferences or seminars entitled Art Market, Collecting and Museums have been held on a regular annual basis, which have resulted in the publication of a series of volumes with the papers presented. This material now constitutes a veritable corpus of valuable documentation on the phenomenon of collecting and the art market in Catalonia.

Our intention in organising this conference was to create a platform where we could present the results of the revolt and discuss them at ease with all the different sectors linked to the arts: academics, museum professionals, antique dealers, gallery owners, art dealers, experts, restorers, collectors and art lovers in general. We are convinced of the full complementarity of all these points of view because the progress of collecting throughout history has always gone hand in hand with the formation of museums and the shaping of knowledge and the study of the arts. For this reason, we believed in the usefulness of a day in which to coincide and share information and knowledge, in a friendly format and in a place with a strong symbolic imprint in the history of collecting in Catalonia, such as the Maricel Palace in Sitges.

Portada del llibre


M09 25, 2024

Online ISSN


Print ISSN


Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)