Vagueries al passadís de l’FTI


Laura Berenguer Estellés


Natalia Kubyshina leaves class with her exams under her arm. Some students still can't conjugate Russian verbs properly. They need to read more and spend more time doing their homework. There is only one way to learn and that is with dedication, effort and hours. You have a job to do, with these students. He will correct each and every one of the mistakes in the exams, with small print and comments in the margin, because he wants them to improve, to pay attention. No detail will escape him. With effort and tenacity as her life motto, Natalia Kubyshina teaches them Russian with seriousness and academic rigour. Her demanding presence in the classroom contrasts with her discretion in the corridors. If it weren't for her classic jacket, a sign of respect and university tradition, she would pass unnoticed in the corridor with her navy blue trousers and knitted jumper. She thinks she likes to teach language, but also literature. Literature is the best way to get to know the Russian soul.

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M06 6, 2023


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Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)