El Postgrau

The first postgraduate course in linguistic correction was the one at the Autonomous University of Catalonia: the first and only one with uninterrupted teaching. Albert Branchadell, David Paloma and Joan Vilarnau were the coordinators of the Postgraduate in Proofreading and Linguistic Quality (2000-2014). Then came the Postgraduate in Linguistic Advice in Audiovisual Media (2005-2014) and, later, as its heir, the Postgraduate in Proofreading and Linguistic Advice, which was face-to-face until the pandemic (2014-2020) and online from the use of masks -or masks, because only in this postgraduate course is specific training offered for professional practice-. The Autonomous University's postgraduate programme is, therefore, the Postgraduate Programme: one of the longest-lived of the entire Catalan university scene.

The Postgraduate now launches a collection of diverse and quite interesting texts for professionals in the field of proofreading and language consultancy. The door is open to professors and ex-professors -and, naturally, to teachers and ex-professors-, students and ex-students, tutors, guests, friends and, in the end, professionals in the field of proofreading and language consultancy. The title of the collection, in view of its trajectory, leaves no doubt: "The Postgraduate". Long life!

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