De ida y vuelta: Imágenes transnacionales: México-Francia-España, 1843-1863


Laura Pache
Rebeca Martín
Montserrat Amores


In the nineteenth century, the illustrated press was one of the ideal media for the circulation and dissemination of national images, capable of creating a space for opinion and continuous dialogue between the images generated in different countries. In this sense, the chronological period that began with the diplomatic alliance between France and Spain and ended with the French intervention in Mexico was particularly useful. France was then the cultural centre of Europe, while Spain, the metropolis with which Mexico had severed its subordinate relations after proclaiming its independence in 1821, still retained some colonial interests. Thus, we are facing a decisive historical period for the creation, on the one hand, of the new Spanish liberal state and, on the other, of the new Mexican Republic.

Back and forth. Imatges transnacionals: Mèxic-França-Espanya, 1843-1863 is an anthology of Spanish-language texts published in the illustrated press of the three countries that shows a varied range of national images of Spain and Mexico, and their corresponding specular reflections. In this process, which had France as a mediator, Spain and Mexico attempted to overcome the stereotypes forged over the previous decades by means of new statements and a proposal that was closer to reality.

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M06 2, 2023

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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)