Tres missatges per oblidar-te


Anna Pallejà Franquet


It's been months since a girl got out of a relationship that she is unable to leave behind. To answer the questions she asks herself and to heal her wounds, she writes three messages to the guy who left her broken. The messages will help her to rewrite the story from her own point of view and to understand and externalise everything that happened to her. Three messages to forget you talks about hate, love, fear and forgiveness, always with the sincerity and spontaneity that a young person still has.

Three messages to forget you was the winner of the 13th "Caterina Albert" Short Narrative Prize for Young People in 2022, organised by the City Council of Cerdanyola del Vallès and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Portada del llibre


M06 3, 2023

Online ISSN


Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)